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发表于 2020-7-30 17:58:20 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
  Thailand TAO KAE NOI ,just for a better taste


  In summer,other people prepare a bunch of beautiful clothes to show their figure, but I have been working hard on slimming. Who makes me get a very fat stomach every time. Therefore, I also have special control over my diet, even if I am very satisfied with the chips,cola and ice cream. But it’s too painful to live without snacks. After watching it for a long time, I found that Tao Kae Noi is very popular. Not only is it low in calories, but also tastes delicious, so I tried to buy a few packages.


  因为当时好奇冬阴功和椰子味的海苔是什么味道,我就买了泰国老板仔海苔Big Bang的所有口味。入手之后发现果然不亏,因为它真的是太!好!吃!了!秒杀我以前吃过的所有海苔!酥脆的海苔咸味适中,一口下去爽脆不粘牙,嚼起来嘎吱嘎吱的,椰子味的海苔带着淡淡的椰香,细品还有咸甜的滋味,冬阴功是酸酸辣辣的口感,一口下去感觉自己味蕾都苏醒了。不管哪个口味都不重口,让人回味无穷,好吃不长胖,鲜脆十足,口感敲好的~

  Because I was curious about the taste of Tom Yum Goong and coconut-flavored seaweed, I bought all the flavors of Big Bang. After trying, I found that it was not a loss, because it’s really delicious! Tastes better than what I have eaten before! The crispy seaweed has a moderate salty taste. It is crispy and not stick to your teeth. Also kacha kacha when chewed. The coconut-flavored seaweed has a light coconut flavor. Also has a salty and sweet taste if you taste again. Tom Yum Kung is a sour and spicy taste, I feel that my taste buds are awake. No matter which taste is not heavy, leave endless aftertaste, delicious and not fat, fresh and crisp, and good taste~

  海苔味道鲜美不仅可以满足嘴巴上的欲望,还富含大量维生素b和多种矿物元素,真的好哇塞~更重要的是,泰国老板仔海苔Big Bang的制作方式也很健康,完全满足了我的低卡低热量需求,它没有选择油炸工艺制作,而是通过双面烘烤工艺将海苔的香脆口感都释放了出来,再加上配比刚刚好的泰式秘制调味料,让这个海苔的口感更为丰富。因为没有加防腐剂和色素的关系,吃泰国老板仔海苔Big Bang的时候可以品出纯正的海苔味,以及风味独特的调味料的口感,相当巴适~

  The seaweed can not only satisfy the desire on the taste, but also rich in a lot of vitamin B and a variety of mineral elements. More importantly, Tao Kae Noi Big Bang is also made in a healthy way, completely satisfying me the low calorie demand, It is not made by frying process, but released the crispy taste through the double-sided baking process, coupled with the right amount of Thai secret seasoning, makes the seaweed tastes more abundant. Because no preservatives and pigments are added, when you eat Tao Kae Noi Big Bang, you can taste pure seaweed flavor and unique flavor seasoning, which is quite fantastic~

  可以说,这是一款非常适合瘦身小可爱的低卡零食了,吃再多也不怕胖的海苔脆片,一口一个根本停不下来~另外,泰国老板仔海苔Big Bang的性价比也非常高,是性价比之王没错了!不过,在挑选的时候记得要选有TAO KAE NOI老板仔商标的海苔哦,这样的海苔才是正品海苔,千万不要选错啦!

  It could be said that this is a low-calorie snack and is very suitable for people who are losing weight. No matter how much you eat, you won’t get fatter, and you can’t stop eating it. In addition, the cost-effectiveness of Tao Kae Noi Big Bang is also very high. It's really the king of cost performance!


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